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Lidar image of Segsbury hillfort |
Whilst rifling through the piles
of British Archaeological Reports in the library the other day I came across
Paula Levick's recent Later Prehistoric and Roman Landscapes on the Berkshire Downs (2015). I had to have a peek as I've long flirted with the archaeology of
the Downs. When I did my Masters many moons ago I did a long essay on Iron
Age/Roman field systems on the Berkshire Downs, and my first ever conference
paper (Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference – Reading -1995) was a critique
of Vince Gaffney and Martin Tingle's Maddle Farm Survey (the realisation that
Vince was sitting in the front row did nothing for my first night nerves...).
I'd spent time digging with Oxford Archaeology on the Neolithic/Bronze Age site
at Tower Hill and been tangentially involved with a project at Beedon as well.
However, I hadn't really kept up
to date with scholarship on the area since then late 1990s - and there has been
a lot, particularly with Gary Lock's Hillforts of the Ridgeway project. The discovery
of Levick's volume gave me a serendipitous opportunity to catch up. This blog
entry though isn't so much about the work itself, rather an opportunity to
ponder more generally about how this kind of big landscape archaeology is
framed, with particular reference to the neighbouring Vale of the White Horse.
The report is based on Levick's
PhD carried out in the Dept. of Continuing Education at Oxford, and is a good,
thorough analysis of the Iron Age and Roman landscapes of an area of the
central Downs, which includes the substantial univallate hillfort at Segsbury.
She uses the immensely detailed cropmark dataset generated by English
Heritage's Lambourn Down Mapping Project, which she supplements with Lidar
data, geophysical survey, the traditional historic mapping resources (tithe
maps/enclosure maps etc), as well as some interesting work integrating the
results of metal detecting surveys carried out with the support and oversight
of the Portable Antiquities Scheme. The results are a thoughtful reanalysis of
the conventional LBA-RB chronology of the area, suggesting that some areas were
not as empty in the BA as previously thought.
However, reading it, as someone
who now situates themselves as medievalist rather than a Romanist, and someone
with an interest in Vale I became increasingly aware of the incredible
influence of chronological and geographic boundaries on the way these kind of
landscape studies are carried out.
My first qualm is with physical
edges. This work and the Maddle Farm survey both focus on the chalk uplands
with very little engagement with the neighbouring Vale. There are perfectly
good reasons for this- the research agenda of the MVS was to look at the
hinterland of a Roman villa situated within the Downs. In the case of Levick,
the key dataset was the cropmark survey – cropmarks are far better defined on
the chalk downs than they are on the greensands at the Vale-Downs interface.
This inevitably means that the focus of this kind of landscape study is on the area
with the greatest data, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. PhD
theses have to be pragmatic about defining their datasets and study regions.
Yet, the one thing we know about
the use of the Downs in the medieval and post-medieval period is that administrative
units and agricultural regimes crossed the topographic boundaries between
Downland and Vale (between chalk and cheese). The parish boundaries of the
villages along the northern scarp all extend from the greensands up to the top
of the Downs – and had complex patterns of arable and pasture, with the
ploughing up of much of the downland only happening relatively recently. I
don't think there is any a priori reason to assume that these kinds of
relationships did not exist in deeper antiquity. But by focussing in on
specific topographic regions (however understandable) we miss the chance to
draw out this crucial relationship. Inevitably, the different topography has
meant that the archaeological record itself varies significantly, both due to
differences in land-use and agriculture in the past, different geologies and
environmental processes (e.g. colluvium build up etc), as well as the different
impact of medieval/post-medieval post-depositional processes. To some extent,
the Vale of the White Horse survey, Martin Tingle's follow-up to the Maddle
Farm Survey attempted to address this issue, but there was no real integration
of the two data sets.
A second implicit boundary in so
much landscape work is that formed by the Romans. For many archaeologists (and
I include some work I've done myself), the 1st to 4th
century is a conceptual 'fold' in the landscape palimpsest. Many studies run
from the Neolithic through to the Roman period, and others take the early
medieval period as their point of departure. Although there are honourable
exceptions (e.g. Peter Fowler's West Overton work and Chris Gerrard and Mick
Aston's Shapwick project spring to mind, as well as Steve Rippon's Fields of
Britain project) there are all too few attempts to take the longue durée
approach and follow through the long-term narrative presented by the landscape.
There is seemingly an underlying assumption that the arrival of the open-field
systems of the central province in the later Anglo-Saxon period creates a
profound point of rupture, with an erasure of earlier field systems so thorough
that there is a de facto blank slate. This is a pretty major assumption (as the
Fields of Britain project has outlined), but even if it was true, it begs the
question, what field systems and settlement patterns were being used in the
early to mid-Anglo-Saxon period? If there is continuity and development from IA
to RB, why should there not be similar continuity from RB-AS? And crucially,
can we recognise this in the field archaeology? Of course, there are
methodological problems; as with topographic boundaries, the archaeological
footprint varies- most noticeably in the massive decline in datable pottery,
the chronological marker most used for analysing field walking survey and
excavation work. But with the growth of OSL techniques, we should (in theory at
least) be able to move beyond this limitation. There are also other data
sources available, most strikingly AS charter boundaries (of which there are
some good examples from this part of Berkshire). As Paula Levick has also shown
there is also some potential from drawing on PAS data.
There is surely the potential for
a more integrated approach to looking at the landscape of the Down and the
Vale, one that tries to cross these chronological and topographic boundaries.
It would be a challenge bringing together the diverse data sets, but that is
half of the fun of archaeology.
Have a gander at my PhD on the Vale of Pewsey published as BAR 543 where the questions you raise here are addressed.